Hearing Aids

The number of people across the UK facing hearing loss is growing annually. More than 12 million people have some kind of hearing loss, which is estimated to grow to 14.5 million people, roughly 20% of the UK population. Hummingbird Hearingcare has hearing care clinics across the North West and advises hearing loss can be prevented to a great extent or treated with cost-effective solutions.

When left untreated, hearing loss can have a huge bearing on individuals, their families and society at large.

Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic health conditions, and yet it’s something most of us ignore. Rather, it’s something we must learn to deal with. After all, hearing is what connects us with others, it keeps us vital as we age and allows us to succeed in the workplace. We only have one pair of ears for our lifetime, so it’s important to protect and nurture them.

We wanted to share some simple tips to follow to take care of your ear health

  • Turn the volume down – Frequent exposure to loud noise can impair our hearing. Any sound that’s over 85 decibels isn’t good for your ears. Whether it’s the TV or your sound system, keep the volume down to prevent hearing loss.
  • Use earphones wisely – When using headphones or earphones, avoid playing music at more than 60% volume and use them for not more than 60 minutes at a time.
  • Avoid putting things inside the ears – Avoid putting items in your ears to clean the inside or remove the wax. Visit an audiologist for safe ear wax removal.
  • Protect your ears when attending live events – When you visit a nightclub, festival or live music gig, be sure to protect your ears. Keep away from the speakers. Use earplugs to keep the sound comfortable and quieter.
  • Minimise your hearing risks at work – If you work in an environment where you are exposed to loud noise constantly, be sure to wear the right hearing protection. Be sure to talk to your HR department about relevant regulations.
  • Get your hearing health checked – If you are concerned about your hearing health or worried about hearing loss, contact an audiologist immediately.

Contact your local Hummingbird Hearingcare audiologist today.