Ear wax can be an irritating impediment to hearing, with many people feeling as though they’ve suddenly gone deaf upon experiencing a blockage. While complete loss of hearing due to earwax build-up is highly unlikely, even the sensation that some your ability to hear has been cut off can seem disorienting and shocking.

While the occasional entry of water into an ear canal may be harmless, introducing a foreign object like a cotton bud can pose serious problems. Unfortunately this motion often pushes ear wax deeper inwards, resulting in it blocking up the entire canal and requiring professional treatment to remove it.

Many of us take our hearing for granted, but having your ear canal blocked can be surprisingly debilitating. It’s easy to forget how challenging it is when we’re not able to hear properly – family gatherings, meetings and trying to remain social in a restaurant or bar are all much harder if there’s even just a slight reduction in sound due an issue like ear wax blockage. If you think this might apply to you then why not book an appointment with a professional? They may be able to help restore your hearing – giving back the ability appreciate every moment at its fullest!

Our team are trained to quickly understand whether a patient is suffering from blocked ears through excessive ear wax in the ear canal. Where this is the case, we also have the facilities to perform ear wax removal immediately using one of three commonly approved methods. Microsuction removes the ear wax by sucking it out as the name suggests. Irrigation washes ear wax out of the ear canal using a low power jet of warm water. This is the modern and much safer version of ear syringing. Finally, specialist instruments can be used where the ear wax can be found close the entrance of the ear canal. If you would like to know more click here.

Our expert team is dedicated to making sure you can hear clearly and comfortably. To that end, our removal of ear wax usually has an instantaneous effect – returning your hearing to normal in no time! However, if there are any doubts about residual loss of hearing, we have a screening test available which quickly lets us know whether further testing would be necessary.

If you would like to make an appointment to see one of our ear wax removal team then give us a call on 01829 824245.