Noise Cancelling Hearing Aids

The symptoms of hearing loss

Hearing loss is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. It can be caused by various factors, […]

Hummingbird Hearingcare | Tarporley, Cheshire

Why do people avoid having a hearing test?

Hearing tests are an essential part of maintaining good auditory health, yet many people avoid them. The reasons behind this […]

Hearing aids in middle age ‘ward off dementia’

Research posted by The Times has suggested that wearing hearing aids in middle age wards off dementia. Hearing aids protect […]

Age-related hearing loss

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a common condition that affects many people as they get older. Here […]

Reasons why you should have a hearing test

A hearing test is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s hearing ability. It is designed to identify any hearing loss […]

Protect your hearing from loud noises

Hearing is an essential sense that allows us to understand and interpret the world around us. However, exposure to loud […]

Hummingbird Hearingcare | Tarporley, Cheshire

Tips for hearing aid repairs

General troubleshooting and maintenance If the hearing aid does not seem to be working properly or you are struggling to […]

Do you need help finding your match on Valentines?

Every ear is unique, both functionally (what it can hear) and physically (how it’s shaped). That’s why all our hearing […]

Can ear wax blocking your ears make you deaf?

Ear wax can be an irritating impediment to hearing, with many people feeling as though they’ve suddenly gone deaf upon […]

Untreated Hearing Loss & Dementia

Results from the University of Oxford show that hearing impairment could be an early warning sign for dementia. The study […]